How to Find Your User ID
Every account is automatically assigned a User ID. Here's how to find it: Web Log in on Click on Settings App Open the Parrot AI app Tap on Settings OtherPopularHow to Request Account, Voice, or Video Deletion
If you’d like to have your account, AI voice, or videos permanently removed from Parrot AI, you can submit a request through our Data Deletion Request Form: Parrot AI - Data Deletion Request Form How to Submit a Deletion Request Click the link above to access the form. Select the specific data you want to delete ( account, custom voice, or videos). Provide the requireFew readersHow to Log Out of Parrot AI
Logging Out on the Website If you want to log out from the Parrot AI website, follow these steps: Click on your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the page. Select Settings from the dropdown menu. Scroll down and click Log Out at the bottom of the page. Logging Out on the Mobile App Currently, there is no direct log out option in the mobile app. However, if you need to switch to a different web account, you can do so by: Opening the ParrFew readers